Dear Park’s Edge Preschool Families:

Happy New Year and welcome 2021! A new year is upon us at PEP…and we are adopting a new attitude…this COVID-19 virus is not going to get us down! The Park’s Edge Preschool Board voted unanimously to use received Emergency Funding to install an Air Quality Purifying System that will ionize odors, mold, bacteria, and virus; including the COVID-19 virus. PEP has been blessed to stay open the entire year without interruption in service during a pandemic. Park’s Edge Preschool has proven to be essential to families this year and will continue. The non-perishable food donations collected for the annual food drive walk-a-thon and PEP’s first annual ‘Trunk-or-Treat’ were donated to St. Vincent de Paul and the Congregation of the Great Spirit. This was done through the help of Pam and Dave Lownik, Coordinator for St. Mary’s Food Pantry. The Hunger Task Force bin was overflowing with many generous donations of peanut butter…a valuable resource of protein to the homeless population. Hunger never takes a Christmas break; food donations are always welcome here! Please keep the families that go hungry this Christmas holiday season in your thoughts and prayers. Jesus’ Birthday Celebration is a favorite ‘PEP family’ tradition here.

This year we titled our event ‘Jesus’ Birthday Celebration To-Go’ because the whole program was available to purchase rather than risk PEP families health and safety. The 2020 special Christmas production, ‘The Holiest Night’, was fully recorded on Wednesday, December 16th in Emanuel Church’s beautiful sanctuary. The program included participation from every child, wearing symbolic Christmas costumes, and/or singing traditional Christmas carols. Each age group was recorded individually, in respect to COVID-19, practicing safe distancing. The entire program was put together on a ‘PEP logoed’ zip drive for each family to enjoy in the safety and comfort of their home this Christmas season. Thank you goes to Emanuel Church and Pastor Bill for making a seasonal appearance on PEP’s Christmas Presentation with a prerecorded ‘Children’s Time’ with a Christmas theme to top off the recording. At the end of the programming day, everyone was treated to a ‘Jesus’ birthday cupcake.

A special ‘thank you’ goes out to our gifted, technological savvy, Jenele Baldwin, who made it all possible. Park’ Edge Preschool has been a member of the United Church of Christ’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries (acronym CHHSM) since June 1999. Sunday, January 31st is CHHSM Sunday. CHHSM Sunday gives Emanuel Church members an opportunity to celebrate Park’s Edge Preschool’s ministry serving Hales Corners, and the surrounding community with Christian child-care. Special blessings and prayers are bestowed upon Park’s Edge Preschool staff and Emanuel Church members, in the health and human service professions. This year, CHSSM’s 83rd Annual Meeting is Themed ‘Together We Create a Just, Caring and Compassionate World. Due to the health risks COVID-19 presents, the many CHHSM ministry national leaders will be gathering virtually March 2 -4. Please pray for the United Church of Christ’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries and the vulnerable populations they serve. Preschool’s ministry serving Hales Corners, and the surrounding community with Christian child-care. Special blessings and prayers are bestowed upon Park’s Edge Preschool staff and Emanuel Church members, in the health and human service professions. This year, CHSSM’s 83rd Annual Meeting is Themed ‘Together We Create a Just, Caring and Compassionate World. Due to the health risks COVID-19 presents, the many CHHSM ministry national leaders will be gathering virtually March 2 -4. Please pray for the United Church of Christ’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries and the vulnerable populations they serve

I hope you were entertained with our hearty rendition of ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’, and that our wish for you came true! I want to thank you, on behalf of the staff and myself, for helping to make our Christmas wishes come true.

Thank you for the many gifts and treats—you really spoiled us this year! Thank you for your continued support and prayers for Park’s Edge Preschool. Good tidings to you and your family for the New Year!

Ellen M. Kvalheim